🤑Funding (USDC.e) Your Wallet

This guide will help you through the process of funding your wallet with USDC.

To participate in UBET and place bets, you'll need two types of tokens: USDC, a stablecoin, and MATIC, a cryptocurrency used for gas fees on the Polygon network. It's important to ensure that you have both of these tokens available in your Metamask and Trust wallets.

To acquire these tokens, there are several methods available. You can purchase them directly from the App or explore other options with third-party sellers. Our guide lists a few reliable methods for acquiring USDC to make the process convenient for you. Start betting and enjoy the exciting world of UBET!

🪙pageBuying USDC 🪙 on Centralizd Exchange & transferring it to MetaMask🪙pageBuying USDC and MATIC on Trust Wallet

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